
#1 in Daedalus

We were pleased to see ADV ranked at #1 in Daedalus when we checked at the beginning of Epoch 260. That’s 2 pools in the top 20. There is some luck in it of course, both pools have had a great run over the last 5-10 Epochs. But there is also an element of getting…

Cardano Updates

Daedalus 4.0.5

A new version of the Daedalus wallet is available. From the release notes: Daedalus 4.0.5 updates the Catalyst voting registration feature to address the new Fund4 schedule, and also resolves some minor issues. As ever we recommend to upgrade in the wallet by starting then accepting the upgrade option. You may not have explored…

Cardano Updates

Daedalus 4.0.3

A new version of Daedalus has been released with a host of improvements including Native Tokens, improved Trezor support, and better CSV exports. From the release notes: Daedalus 4.0.3 brings support for native tokens, making Daedalus a multi-asset wallet that enables users to send and receive native tokens.  This release also includes the countdown to…

Cardano Updates

Daedalus 3.3.0

A new and important release of Daedalus, our favourite ‘Dark Mode’ wallet, that brings support for Native Tokens. From the release notes: Daedalus 3.3.0 brings support for the upcoming Cardano protocol update which will deliver native token support to Cardano. This Daedalus update also includes numerous new features, including Project Catalyst Fund3 voting registration, displaying…

Cardano Updates

New Daedalus release

A new release of our favourite wallet (do those guys ever rest?). From the release notes: Daedalus 3.1.0 delivers support for the upcoming ‘Cardano app for Ledger’ hardware device functionality and is required for continued use of Daedalus with Ledger hardware devices . This is to support users who upgrade their Cardano app on their Ledger hardware…