
The ‘Killer App’?

We are used to the idea of a ‘Killer App‘, that one application that drives the adoption of a new technology. That one capability that just can’t be replicated easily elsewhere. In the early days of personal computing it was the spreadsheet which drove adoption of the Apple II. Later Word, Excel and Powerpoint played…

Cardano Updates

Native Assets

Details of the Cardano native assets implementation are available on the developers site. The introduction notes: Native Tokens is the name of Cardano’s Multi-Asset (MA) support feature, which enables users to transact with ada, and an unlimited number of user-defined (custom) tokens natively. Native support offers distinct advantages for developers: there is no need to…

Cardano Updates

Set the controls…

So we learn that Cardano will get native multi-asset support in February as part of the Mary hard fork. Native assets, no added complexity through smart contracts, no heavy gas fees. To say this is a big deal is a bit of an understatement. And general adoption rates are increasing very nicely. For the 8th…


Metcalfe’s Law

Cardano passed an important milestone in recent weeks. It wasn’t the price of ADA, as welcome as the increase is for people who have held it since the peak in 2017. No, it was the size of the stake pool network that secures the Cardano block chain and which uses Proof of Stake rather than…


There’s a lot more than meets the eye

We were reviewing the Polkadot design the other day and noted that they are using libp2p for the networking layer. It fits in with the project ethos, has enabled developing the system quickly, and after all why go to the trouble of building a custom networking layer? What did Cardano do? They didn’t use libp2p.…