Cardano Updates

Cardano Node 1.21.1 Released

From the release notes:

This release includes support in the cardano-cli for multi-signature addresses and transactions. It also resolves a problem that has been affecting pool operators at the 48-hour mark within each epoch. It has various other minor improvements and fixes detailed below.

The “Live View” mode for the Cardano node is being deprecated in favour of a new external “RT View” (RT for real-time) monitoring tool which is cross-platform and has a richer browser-based interface. The new RT View component will be released separately. The Live View mode is still available in this release of the node, but will be removed in a future release.

One of the bugs fixed is:

Fixed a bug in the calculation of the pool stake fraction reported in the stake pool query used by wallets (#1880)

This may be relevant for the relatively lower ADV ranking in Daedalus compared to Yoroi and ADApools.

We’ve run in soak test on the passive cluster, no issues detected so have cut the active ADAvault stake pool cluster across for the remainder of Epoch 222.