Cardano Updates

Smart Contracts Date

The date has been scheduled as 12th September for the transition to smart contracts. This is the Hard Fork Combinator (HFC) event which will transition the Cardano blockchain to the Alonzo era. Tim and crew have details in the mid monthly update.

Interesting links

Smart contracts explained

You might already follow Crypto Capital Ventures (CCV) on Twitter or YouTube. If not Dan summarises the Cardano move into the Goguen era of Smart Contracts. It’s a great summary and explanation of what’s coming. Recommended viewing if you are interested in understanding more.


Goguen and Alonzo?

The Cardano smart contract Era is almost upon us. And you may have noticed that the team behind the project have a fondness for naming phases of the project and specific releases after some of their heroes from the world of science, philosophy and mathematics. The project itself is named after Geralomo Cardano, a Renaissance…

Cardano Updates

Cardano Node 1.23.0

Now this is properly exciting. The new Cardano Node has been released which sets the stage for the transition to Goguen. From the release notes: This release includes a substantial amount of internal changes to support the upcoming Allegra and Mary hard forks and the new features they bring. This is not the final release before the…