Cardano Updates

Plomin Hard Fork

Voting has hit the critical thresholds so that means we have lift off for the second phase of Chang, which is the Plomin Hard Fork. The transition will occur at the end of the next Epoch 536, which will be the 29th January 2025. With this upgrade, Cardano will become the first fully decentralized blockchain.…

Cardano Updates

Chang Governance Vote

We have voted yes for the Chang#2 (Plomin) Hard Fork event which is the point at which the Cardano network fully transitions to the Voltaire era of decentralised governance. Details are below. Governance action 0b19476e40bbbb5e1e8ce153523762e2b6859e7ecacbaf06eae0ee6a447e79b9#0 Vote transaction details can be see for each pool at the following links. ADV ADV2 ADV3 ADV4…