Cardano Community

Doom on Hydra!

This was showcased at the recent RareEvo event in Vegas, and it’s a great example of how Hydra heads can speed up transactions on Cardano.

For those who don’t know the details behind Hydra it is a layer 2 state channel for Cardano that is equivalent to the Bitcoin lighting network in that it allows participants to transact rapidly at very low cost. However it has a few cool features in addition to lightning:

  • It is isomorphic with the Cardano mainnet which means that it runs smart contracts and support any other mainnet capabilities.
  • Hydra state can be pushed back to layer 1 at any point without closing the channel that has been opened which allows for use cases like exchanges and clearing to operate easily
  • It can scale horizontally without limit, which means that layer 2 transactions are uncapped.

Doom is a fantastic example to showcase and you can try it yourself at