Interesting links

Bitcoin Power Consumption

Some really nice work on the energy consumption of Bitcoin from the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance at Cambridge University.

The current estimate is 10GW, with a lower bound of 3.94GW, and upper bound of 16.78GW. That’s 5 orders of magnitude higher than Cardano.

If we assume approximately 50W per pool (reasonable for an efficient modern hardware stack), times 500 pools = 25000W = 25KW total consumption. We could assume a lower bound of 10KW and upper bound of 50KW which would take into account that the pool number will increase to a 1000 in March 2021.

Worth taking a look at the Cambridge model, one of the more robust.

Theres also a very nice mining map showing the hash rate distribution globally. As mentioned previously on this blog there is a significant representation in China.

They break down the data for China by provinces, Xinjiang provides 35%.

For the record the ADAvault stack runs under 100W. It’s based on the latest generation Intel hardware, EVO970+ M2 SSD drives, the firewalls are using ARM chipsets and custom ASICs, and even with 2 clusters (active and passive, 3 nodes/cluster) the average power load is around 50W (peaking at points such as Epoch boundaries). ADAvault runs completely on a renewable green energy tariff.